Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ethiopia's gsa?

Ethiopia: Companies Want Access to Ethiopia's Gas Fields

April 5, 2006Posted to the web April 5, 2006
Addis Ababa
The ministry of mines and energy's invitation for expressions of interest in the Hilala and Calub gas fields has brought 19 potential bidders to the table.
The government allowed companies with financial and technical know-how to submit letters of interest until the end of last month. The invitation has tweaked the interest of both local and international companies.
Malaysia's Pertonas is one of the most active companies in Ethiopia to have submitted a request. The company is currently in charge of four concessions and has been looking for access to the Hilala and Calub gas fields since 2004.
Interest also came from the Middle East, China, India and Russia. China has increasingly been looking to Africa to supply its rapidly expanding market with resources, while the Middle East has been moving investments away from the West due to growing negative Muslim sentiment in Europe and the United States.

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